83Plus:Software:usb8x/Asm Interface/KBD

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The usb8x keyboard driver is compatible with any keyboard conforming to the USB HID keyboard standard. However, it is not compatible with devices that have a keyboard connected to an internal hub (combination keyboard/mice, for example).

The keyboard driver is initialized via KBDInit. This entry point initializes both the driver and the keyboard hardware, so you may want to check to see if a device is connected via [[../IsDeviceConnected|IsDeviceConnected]] first.

After initializing the keyboard, use KBDGetKey to get keypress information. The driver maintains a 6-key keyboard buffer, so be sure to check for new keypresses with KBDGetKey regularly so the buffer doesn't fill.

Entry Points

KBDCheckDirect Check current keyboard matrix
KBDInit Initialize the keyboard driver and hardware
KBDGetKey Get keypress information
KBDGetMods Get current modifier key status
KBDVersion Get driver version and RAM requirements