Flags Template

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Revision as of 20:10, 26 March 2005 by AndyJ (Talk | contribs)

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Note: Do not take the information on this template page as actual documentation!

The Flags are named by IY offset. An example is 83Plus:Flags:2A.


Flag Byte: 01h

Known Names: onFlags, someOtherFlagGroup

Bit Overview

Bit 0

This bit does nothing.

Bit 1

Official Name: useLargeFont

This bit controls what font VPutMap uses. Set for large font, reset for small.

Bit 2

Official Name: onInterrupt

This flag is set if the ON key was pressed. You must manually reset it.

Bit 3

This bit does nothing.

Bit 4

This bit does nothing.

Bit 5

This bit does nothing.

Bit 6

This bit does nothing.

Bit 7

This bit does nothing.

Credits and Contributions

  • /sbin/init: Without you, none of this would be possible. :)