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Revision as of 15:40, 6 November 2006 by FloppusMaximus (Talk | contribs)

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Working Code

I know this is probably trivial, but I was wondering if someone could please post a simple working example of what this BCALL does (meaning, not exactly a disassembly of the original TIOS code, but an example nonetheless) for those of us who feel BCALLing TIOS routine should be avoided whenever possible. ;^) Saibot84 09:38, 6 November 2006 (PST)

Something like this:
  (on some versions, monkey with port 3A)
  (monkey with port 4)
  (delay a bit)
  in a,(2)
  and 1
  jr nz,BatteryGood
  res 5,(iy+$18)
  jr Done
  set 5,(iy+$18)
  (restore port 4 and/or 3A)
  bit 5,(iy+$18)
The different versions do different things to port 4; I have no idea what this means.
On another note: I think these routines should be split up into separate pages. As it is it's not clear that 50B3 is the one that's documented (and has the official name Chk_Batt_Low) and is thus presumably the one TI recommends programmers use. It also needs to be pointed out that the boot code versions are only available on HW version 2 and above!
FloppusMaximus 14:40, 6 November 2006 (PST)