Difference between revisions of "Z80 Routines:Other:DispA"

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(Updated my unsigned routine. Now tested, is smaller and better. *facepalm)
m (Unsigned Version: better commented)
Line 18: Line 18:
jr c,Na2
jr c,Na2
sub c ;works as add 100/10/1
sub c ;works as add 100/10/1
push af ;safer than ld c,a
push af ;safer than ld c,a
ld a,b ;char is in b
ld a,b ;char is in b
CALL PUTCHAR ;plot a char. Replace with bcall(_PutC) or similar.
pop af ;safer than ld a,c
pop af ;safer than ld a,c

Revision as of 08:34, 28 November 2009

Unsigned Version

;Number in a to decimal ASCII
;adapted from 16 bit found in z80 Bits to 8 bit by Galandros
;input: a = number
;destroys af,bc (hl and de?)
	ld	c,-100
	call	Na1
	ld	c,-10
	call	Na1
	ld	c,-1
Na1:	ld	b,'0'-1
Na2:	inc	b
	add	a,c
	jr	c,Na2
	sub	c		;works as add 100/10/1
	push af			;safer than ld c,a
	ld	a,b		;char is in b
	CALL	PUTCHAR		;plot a char. Replace with bcall(_PutC) or similar.
	pop af			;safer than ld a,c

Signed Version

; DispA
; --------------------------------------------------------------
; Converts a signed integer value to a zero-terminated ASCII
; string representative of that value (using radix 10).
; --------------------------------------------------------------
;     HL     Value to convert (two's complement integer).
;     DE     Base address of string destination. (pointer).
; --------------------------------------------------------------
;     None
; --------------------------------------------------------------
; --------------------------------------------------------------

   push    de
   push    bc

; Detect sign of HL.
    bit    7, h
    jr     z, _DoConvert

; HL is negative. Output '-' to string and negate HL.
    ld     a, '-'
    ld     (de), a
    inc    de

; Negate HL (using two's complement)
    xor    a
    sub    l
    ld     l, a
    ld     a, 0     ; Note that XOR A or SUB A would disturb CF
    sbc    a, h
    ld     h, a

; Convert HL to digit characters
    ld     b, 0     ; B will count character length of number
-   ld     a, 10
    syscall  DivHLByA  ; HL = HL / A, A = remainder
    push   af
    inc    b
    ld     a, h
    or     l
    jr     nz, -

; Retrieve digits from stack
-   pop    af
    or     $30
    ld     (de), a
    inc    de
    djnz   -

; Terminate string with NULL
    xor    a
    ld     (de), a

    pop    bc
    pop    de


  • This routine uses the common positive-integer radix conversion algorithm of repeatedly dividing a value by the desired radix (base case: the value is zero) and saving the remainders of each division.
  • As this algorithm gives the digits in reverse order, they are pushed onto the hardware stack so that subsequently popping them yields the correct order.
  • Note that the output string will not be fixed-width.

Example Usage

    ld    hl, -1004
    ld    de, OP1
    call  DispA
    ld    hl, OP1
    syscall  PutS