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Name: UFI_Write

Minimum usb8x version: 0.10

Writes one sector from sector buffer to LBA address in (MSDLBA).


  • (MSDLBA) contains LBA address of sector to write


  • (MBDLBA) address contains data from sector buffer


  • AF, BC, DE, HL


(MSDLBA) is a 4-byte area in the mass storage driver's internal memory buffer used by this routine. The following example code would set the value to zero, where appBackUpScreen is where the mass storage internal buffer is:

xor a
ld (appBackUpScreen+MSDLBA),a
ld (appBackUpScreen+MSDLBA+1),a
ld (appBackUpScreen+MSDLBA+2),a
ld (appBackUpScreen+MSDLBA+3),a

This is just to demonstrate where MSDLBA is in memory. See [[../MSD_Initialize|MSD_Initialize]] for more information about the internal buffer used by the mass storage driver.

See Also

  • [[../MSD_Initialize|MSD_Initialize]] - Initializes the mass storage driver