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Revision as of 01:54, 31 March 2015 by MateoConLechuga (Talk | contribs)
Port Number: A000-?
Memory-mapped address: F50000-?
Function: Set the mode of the keypad controller
The CE appears to use the same keypad controller as the nSpire.
- F50000 (R/W):
- Bits 0-1: Scan mode
- Mode 0: Idle.
- Mode 1: Indiscriminate key detection. Data registers are not updated, but whenever any key is pressed, interrupt bit 2 is set (and cannot be cleared until the key is released).
- Mode 2: Single scan. The keypad is scanned once, and then the mode returns to 0.
- Mode 3: Continuous scan. When scanning completes, it just starts over again after a delay.
- Bits 2-15: Number of APB cycles to wait before scanning each row
- Bits 16-31: Number of APB cycles to wait between scans
- Bits 0-1: Scan mode
- F50004 (R/W):
- Bits 0-7: Number of rows to read (later rows are not updated in F50010-F5002F, and just read as whatever they were before being disabled)
- Bits 8-15: Number of columns to read (later column bits in a row are set to 1 when it is updated)
- F50008 (R/W): Keypad interrupt status/acknowledge (3-bit). Write "1" bits to acknowledge.
- Bit 0: Keypad scan complete
- Bit 1: Keypad data register changed
- Bit 2: Key pressed in mode 1
- F5000C (R/W): Keypad interrupt mask (3-bit). Set each bit to 1 if the corresponding event in [F50008] should cause an interrupt.
- F50010-F5002F (R): Keypad data, one halfword per row.
- F50030-F5003F (R/W): Keypad GPIOs. Each register is 20 bits, with one bit per GPIO. The role of each register is unknown.
TI executes this to set up the timings of the keypad:
ld.sis bc, A000 xor a out (bc), a inc c ld a,0Fh out (bc), a inc c xor a out (bc), a inc c ld a,0Fh out (bc), a inc c ld a,08h out (bc), a inc c out (bc), a
In which we can do this:
ld bc,0F50000h xor a ld (bc),a inc c ld a,15 ld (bc),a inc c xor a ld (bc),a inc c ld a,15 ld (bc),a inc c ld a,8 ld (bc),a inc c ld (bc),a ; Read 8 rows; even though there is only 7 needed?