Category talk:84PCSE:BCALLs:By Name

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Revision as of 13:47, 2 April 2014 by Dr. D'nar (Talk | contribs)

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Unverified BCALLS

The following BCALLS are unverified. If you verify that the BCALL equate is correct, please update the community include file.

_maybe_SizeWind	.equ	403Fh
_maybe_AppInit	.equ	404Bh
_maybe_DToR	.equ	4072h
_maybe_RToD	.equ	4075h
_maybe_GetLastEntry	.equ	42A3h
_maybe_GetLastEntryPtr	.equ	42A6h
_maybe_RegrClrChng	.equ	42A9h
_maybe_Rcl_StatVar	.equ	42D3h
_maybe_Get_X_Indirect	.equ	42D9h
_maybe_CreatePVar4	.equ	42FAh
_maybe_CreatePVar3	.equ	42FDh
_maybe_CreateVar3	.equ	4300h
_maybe_ErrOverflow	.equ	448Ch
_maybe_ErrDivBy0	.equ	448Fh
_maybe_ErrNon_Real	.equ	449Bh
_maybe_ErrMemory	.equ	44B0h
_maybe_ErrInvalid	.equ	44B3h
_maybe_ErrStat	.equ	44B9h
_maybe_ErrIterations	.equ	44BFh
_maybe_ErrBadGuess	.equ	44C2h
_maybe_ErrTolTooSmall	.equ	44C5h
_maybe_ErrStatPlot	.equ	44C8h
_maybe_ErrLinkXmit	.equ	44CBh
_maybe_ClrLCDFull	.equ	4537h
_maybe_ClrLCD	.equ	453Ah
_maybe_ClrScrnFull	.equ	453Dh
_maybe_ClrScrn	.equ	4540h
_maybe_ClrTxtShd	.equ	4543h
_maybe_EraseEOL	.equ	4549h
_maybe_RunIndicOn	.equ	4564h
_maybe_RunIndicOff	.equ	4567h
_maybe_RstrShadow	.equ	4570h
_maybe_RstrBotRow	.equ	457Ch
_maybe_PUTBPATBUF2	.equ	458Bh
_maybe_PUTBPATBUF	.equ	458Eh
_maybe_PUTBPAT	.equ	4591h
_maybe_putcCheckScroll	.equ	4594h
_maybe_DispEOL	.equ	4597h
_maybe_fdispEOL	.equ	459Ah
_maybe_PullDownChk	.equ	45BEh
_maybe_MenuCatCommon	.equ	45C1h
_maybe_MenuEdKey	.equ	45D0h
_maybe_RecallEd	.equ	4738h
_maybe_SetupBuffer	.equ	473Bh
_maybe_CreateNumEditBuf	.equ	473Eh
_maybe_CallCommon	.equ	4741h
_maybe_fClear	.equ	474Dh
_maybe_fInsDisp	.equ	4750h
_maybe_fInsDisp02	.equ	4753h
_maybe_numPPutAway	.equ	4765h
_maybe_numRedisp	.equ	4768h
_maybe_numError02	.equ	476Bh
_maybe_InitNumVec	.equ	4774h
_maybe_GrLabels	.equ	4807h
_maybe_PDspGrph	.equ	488Eh
_maybe_HorizCmd	.equ	4891h
_maybe_VertCmd	.equ	4894h
_maybe_LineCmd	.equ	4897h
_maybe_UnLineCmd	.equ	489Ah
_maybe_EditEqu	.equ	49AEh
_maybe_CloseEquField	.equ	49B1h
_maybe_AutoSelect	.equ	49B4h
_maybe_SolveRedisp	.equ	49DEh
_maybe_SolveDisp	.equ	49E1h
_maybe_ItemName	.equ	49E4h
_maybe_StoAns	.equ	4AAAh
_maybe_StMatEl	.equ	4AD4h
_maybe_StLstVecEl	.equ	4AD7h
_maybe_CkFetchVar	.equ	4B19h
_maybe_FetchVarA	.equ	4B1Ch
_maybe_FetchVar	.equ	4B1Fh
_maybe_ParsAheadS	.equ	4B37h
_maybe_Random	.equ	4B64h
_maybe_StoRand	equ 4B67h
_maybe_RandInit	equ 4B6Ah
_maybe_Factorial	.equ	4B70h
_maybe_SetPenX	.equ	4BD3h
_maybe_SetPenY	.equ	4BD6h
_maybe_SetPenT	.equ	4BD9h
_maybe_DispOP1A	.equ	4BE2h
_maybe_ReloadAppEntryVecs	.equ	4C21h
_maybe_FindApp	.equ	4C39h
_maybe_ExecuteApp	.equ	4C3Ch
_maybe_DrawCirc2	.equ	4C51h
_maybe_CanAlphIns	.equ	4C54h
_maybe_AppGetCbl	.equ	4C60h
_maybe_AppGetCalc	.equ	4C63h
_maybe_ErrCustom1	.equ	4D29h
_maybe_ErrCustom2	.equ	4D2Ch
_maybe_DeleteApp	.equ	4DB0h
_maybe_FillBasePageTable	.equ	4FF6h
_maybe_GetAppBasePage	.equ	50A1h
_maybe_DeleteApp_Link	.equ	52CFh
_maybe_CheckAppRestrictions	.equ	52DBh
_maybe_DispAppRestrictions	.equ	52DEh
_maybe_GetRestrictionsOptions	.equ	52FCh
_maybe_DispResetComplete	.equ	52FFh

---Dr. D'nar 20:20, 2 April 2014 (UTC)


There are at least 835 BCALLs that are missing equates in the community equate file. There's also a huge list of BCALLs that have different names between Brandon's and the community equate file, which is based largely on Benjamin's names.

So here's the facts:

  • TI's include file lists 537 BCALLs.
  • BrandonW's file adds 1062 BCALLs names.
  • There are 11 in TI's not in Brandon's: _abso1pabso2 _cdivbyreal _cfrac _cintgr _cmltbyreal _conj _csquare _ctrunc _intgr _op3toop2 _putaway
  • There are 97 BCALLs marked as _maybe.
  • Brandon's file has 1588 BCALLs.
  • The last is 5329.
  • There are 133 with no equate.
  • The community file has 1122 BCALLs.
  • The last is 56A4.
  • There are 835 with no equate.
  • There are 160 BCALLs in the community file whose name does not appear in Brandon's list.
  • There are 615 BCALLs in Brandon's file that do not appear in the community file.

Here are the missing BCALLs: 405Ah 405Dh 4120h 4B9Dh 4CABh 4CBAh 4CC3h 4CC6h 4CC9h 4CCCh 4CD2h 4CD5h 4CDEh 4CE7h 4CEAh 4CF0h 4CF3h 4CF6h 4CF9h 4CFCh 4CFFh 4D02h 4D05h 4D08h 4D0Bh 4D0Eh 4D11h 4D14h 4D17h 4D1Ah 4D1Dh 4D20h 4D23h 4D2Ch 4D3Bh 4D6Bh 4D74h 4D8Fh 4D92h 4D9Eh 4DA1h 4DAAh 4DADh 4DB0h 4DB3h 4DB6h 4DB9h 4DBCh 4DDDh 4DE6h 4DECh 4DEFh 4E1Ch 4E22h 4E25h 4E2Eh 4E31h 4E34h 4E37h 4E40h 4E46h 4E49h 4EAFh 4F9Fh 4FA2h 503Eh 505Fh 5062h 5068h 50ADh 50FEh 5104h 5107h 510Dh 5110h 5119h 5125h 5134h 5137h 513Dh 5140h 5146h 5149h 514Ch 518Bh 518Eh 5194h 51A0h 51A3h 51B5h 51C1h 51D0h 51D3h 51D6h 51D9h 51EBh 51EEh 51F4h 51F7h 51FAh 51FDh 5200h 5203h 5206h 5209h 520Ch 520Fh 5224h 5227h 522Ah 5239h 523Ch 523Fh 5245h 524Bh 524Eh 5251h 5296h 5299h 529Fh 52A2h 52A5h 52A8h 52ABh 52AEh 52B4h 52BAh 52C0h 52C3h 52CCh 52CFh 52D2h 52E1h

Here are the missing BCALLs: 415Fh 4168h 432Ah 44F5h 45A3h 45D9h 45DCh 45DFh 45E2h 478Fh 4792h 4795h 4798h 479Bh 479Eh 47A1h 47A4h 47A7h 47AAh 47ADh 47B0h 47B3h 47B6h 47B9h 47BCh 47BFh 47C2h 47F2h 47F5h 47F8h 47FBh 47FEh 4801h 4804h 480Ah 480Dh 4810h 4813h 4816h 4819h 481Ch 481Fh 4822h 4825h 4828h 482Bh 482Eh 4831h 4834h 4837h 483Ah 483Dh 4840h 4843h 4846h 4849h 484Ch 484Fh 4852h 4855h 4858h 485Bh 485Eh 4861h 4864h 4867h 486Ah 486Dh 4870h 4873h 4879h 4885h 4888h 488Bh 489Dh 48A0h 48A3h 48A6h 48A9h 48ACh 48AFh 48B2h 48B5h 48B8h 48BBh 48BEh 48C1h 48C7h 48CAh 48CDh 48D0h 48D3h 48D6h 48D9h 48DFh 4921h 4960h 4966h 4993h 49A2h 49A8h 49ABh 49C6h 49C9h 49E7h 49EAh 4A02h 4A08h 4A20h 4A23h 4A26h 4A29h 4A2Ch 4A2Fh 4A32h 4A35h 4A3Bh 4A3Eh 4A41h 4A44h 4A47h 4A4Ah 4A4Dh 4A50h 4A53h 4A56h 4A59h 4A5Ch 4A5Fh 4A62h 4A65h 4A68h 4A6Bh 4A6Eh 4A71h 4B34h 4B3Ah 4B43h 4B8Eh 4B91h 4B94h 4B97h 4B9Ah 4BA0h 4BA3h 4BA6h 4BA9h 4BACh 4BAFh 4BB2h 4BB5h 4BB8h 4BBBh 4BBEh 4BC1h 4BC4h 4BCAh 4BCDh 4BD0h 4BDCh 4BDFh 4BE5h 4BE8h 4BEEh 4BF1h 4BF4h 4BF7h 4BFAh 4BFDh 4C00h 4C03h 4C06h 4C09h 4C0Ch 4C0Fh 4C12h 4C15h 4C18h 4C2Ah 4C3Fh 4C42h 4C45h 4C48h 4C66h 4C75h 4C78h 4C81h 4C87h 4C8Ah 4C8Dh 4C90h 4C93h 4C9Fh 4CA2h 4CA5h 4CA8h 4CABh 4CAEh 4CB1h 4CB4h 4CB7h 4CBAh 4CBDh 4CC0h 4CC3h 4CC6h 4CC9h 4CCCh 4CCFh 4CD2h 4CD5h 4CD8h 4CDBh 4CDEh 4CE1h 4CE4h 4CE7h 4CEAh 4CEDh 4CF3h 4CF6h 4CF9h 4CFCh 4CFFh 4D02h 4D05h 4D08h 4D0Bh 4D0Eh 4D11h 4D14h 4D17h 4D1Ah 4D1Dh 4D20h 4D23h 4D26h 4D2Fh 4D32h 4D35h 4D38h 4D3Bh 4D3Eh 4D41h 4D47h 4D4Dh 4D50h 4D56h 4D59h 4D5Ch 4D5Fh 4D62h 4D68h 4D6Bh 4D71h 4D77h 4D7Ah 4D83h 4D86h 4D89h 4D8Ch 4D8Fh 4D92h 4D95h 4D98h 4D9Bh 4D9Eh 4DA1h 4DA4h 4DA7h 4DAAh 4DB3h 4DB6h 4DB9h 4DBCh 4DBFh 4DC2h 4DC5h 4DC8h 4DCBh 4DCEh 4DD1h 4DD4h 4DD7h 4DDAh 4DDDh 4DE0h 4DE3h 4DE6h 4DE9h 4DECh 4DEFh 4DF2h 4DF5h 4DF8h 4DFBh 4DFEh 4E01h 4E04h 4E07h 4E0Ah 4E0Dh 4E10h 4E13h 4E16h 4E19h 4E1Ch 4E1Fh 4E22h 4E25h 4E28h 4E2Bh 4E2Eh 4E31h 4E34h 4E37h 4E3Ah 4E3Dh 4E40h 4E43h 4E46h 4E49h 4E94h 4EB2h 4EF4h 4EF7h 4EFAh 4F03h 4F06h 4F0Ch 4F0Fh 4F12h 4F15h 4F18h 4F1Bh 4F1Eh 4F27h 4F2Dh 4F30h 4F33h 4F3Fh 4F48h 4F51h 4F57h 4F66h 4F69h 4F6Ch 4F6Fh 4F72h 4F75h 4F7Eh 4F81h 4F84h 4F87h 4F8Ah 4F90h 4F93h 4F9Ch 4F9Fh 4FA2h 4FA5h 4FA8h 4FB4h 4FB7h 4FBAh 4FC6h 4FD8h 4FDBh 4FDEh 4FE1h 4FE4h 5011h 5014h 5026h 5029h 502Ch 502Fh 5032h 5035h 5038h 503Bh 503Eh 5041h 5044h 5047h 504Dh 5050h 5053h 5056h 5059h 505Ch 505Fh 5062h 5065h 5068h 506Bh 5071h 5089h 508Ch 5092h 5095h 50A7h 50AAh 50ADh 50B3h 50B6h 50B9h 50BCh 50BFh 50C2h 50C5h 50C8h 50CBh 50CEh 50D1h 50D7h 50DAh 50E0h 50E3h 50E6h 50E9h 50ECh 50EFh 50F2h 50F5h 50F8h 50FBh 50FEh 5101h 5107h 510Ah 510Dh 5113h 5116h 5119h 511Ch 511Fh 5122h 515Eh 5164h 516Ah 516Dh 5170h 5176h 5179h 517Ch 5185h 5188h 518Bh 518Eh 5191h 5194h 5197h 519Ah 519Dh 51A0h 51A3h 51A6h 51A9h 51ACh 51B2h 51B5h 51B8h 51BBh 51BEh 51C1h 51C4h 51C7h 51CAh 51CDh 51D0h 51D3h 51D6h 51D9h 51DCh 51DFh 51E2h 51E5h 51E8h 51EBh 51EEh 51F1h 51F4h 51F7h 51FAh 51FDh 5200h 5203h 5206h 5209h 520Ch 520Fh 5212h 5218h 521Bh 521Eh 5224h 5227h 522Ah 522Dh 5230h 5242h 5245h 5248h 524Bh 524Eh 5251h 5254h 5257h 525Ah 525Dh 5260h 5263h 5266h 5275h 5278h 527Eh 5281h 5284h 5287h 528Ah 528Dh 5290h 5293h 5296h 5299h 529Ch 529Fh 52A2h 52A5h 52A8h 52ABh 52AEh 52B1h 52B4h 52B7h 52BAh 52BDh 52CCh 52D2h 52D5h 52D8h 52E1h 52E4h 52F6h 52F9h 5302h 5308h 530Bh 530Eh 5311h 5314h 5317h 531Ah 531Dh 5320h 5323h 5326h 5329h 532Ch 532Fh 5332h 5335h 5338h 533Bh 533Eh 5341h 5344h 5347h 534Ah 534Dh 5350h 5353h 5356h 5359h 535Ch 535Fh 5362h 5365h 5368h 536Bh 536Eh 5371h 5374h 5377h 537Ah 537Dh 5380h 5383h 5386h 5389h 538Ch 538Fh 5392h 5395h 5398h 539Bh 539Eh 53A1h 53A4h 53A7h 53AAh 53ADh 53B3h 53B6h 53B9h 53BCh 53BFh 53C2h 53C5h 53C8h 53CBh 53CEh 53D1h 53D4h 53D7h 53DAh 53DDh 53E0h 53E3h 53E6h 53E9h 53ECh 53EFh 53F2h 53F5h 53F8h 53FBh 53FEh 5401h 5404h 5407h 540Ah 540Dh 5410h 5413h 5416h 5419h 541Ch 541Fh 5422h 5425h 542Bh 542Eh 5431h 5434h 5437h 543Ah 543Dh 5440h 5443h 5446h 5449h 544Ch 544Fh 5452h 5455h 5458h 545Bh 545Eh 5461h 5464h 5467h 546Ah 546Dh 5470h 5473h 5476h 5479h 547Ch 547Fh 5485h 5488h 548Bh 548Eh 5491h 5494h 5497h 549Ah 549Dh 54A0h 54A3h 54A6h 54A9h 54ACh 54AFh 54B2h 54B5h 54B8h 54BBh 54BEh 54C1h 54C4h 54C7h 54CAh 54CDh 54D0h 54D3h 54D6h 54D9h 54DCh 54DFh 54E2h 54E5h 54E8h 54EBh 54EEh 54F1h 54F7h 54FAh 54FDh 5500h 5506h 550Ch 550Fh 5512h 5515h 5518h 551Bh 551Eh 5521h 5524h 5527h 552Ah 552Dh 5530h 5533h 5536h 5539h 553Ch 553Fh 5542h 5545h 5548h 554Bh 554Eh 5551h 5554h 5557h 5569h 556Ch 556Fh 5572h 5578h 557Bh 557Eh 558Dh 5590h 5593h 559Ch 559Fh 55A5h 55A8h 55ABh 55AEh 55B1h 55B4h 55B7h 55BAh 55BDh 55C0h 55C3h 55C6h 55C9h 55CCh 55CFh 55D2h 55D5h 55D8h 55DBh 55DEh 55E1h 55E4h 55E7h 55EAh 55EDh 55F0h 55F3h 55F6h 55F9h 55FCh 55FFh 5602h 5605h 5608h 560Bh 560Eh 5611h 5614h 5617h 561Ah 561Dh 5620h 5623h 5629h 562Ch 562Fh 5632h 5635h 5638h 563Bh 563Eh 5641h 5644h 5647h 564Ah 564Dh 5650h 5653h 5656h 5659h 565Ch 565Fh 5662h 5665h 5668h 566Bh 566Eh 5671h 5674h 5677h 567Ah 567Dh 5680h 5683h 5686h 5689h 568Ch 568Fh 5692h 5695h 5698h 569Bh 569Eh 56A1h

These BCALLs appear in the community file, but not in Brandon's file: _CallFontHook _CallLocalizeHook _KbdScan _PPutAwayPrompt _PPutAway _PutAway _SizeWind _ErrorEP _CallMain _initialize _AbsO1PAbsO2 _Intgr _OP3ToOP2 _SetNum0 _GetCon1 _GetCon _TWOPI _PICON _ChkTempDirt _OP1ExpMDE _RegrClrChng _CreateTRList _CreateTRMat _CreateTStrng _CreateTEqu _Sym_Prog_Non_T_Lst _AdjSymPtrs _PushMCplxO1_lets_see_if_ti_screws_this_one_up _GEQNAMEA _RECNAME ___bank_call ___bank_ret ___bank_jump ___bank_entry _LoadCurCat _NCifprgmedmode _DispLAlphaName _AbortPrgmode _Is_FullCntx _CumSum _SetupBuffer _SetIndicator _PlotPtXY2 _JCursorRight _JCursorUp _KeyToTokNew2B _KeyToTok2Byte _Send1BErr _KeyScnLnk _BC2NonReal _StrngEnt1 _PrgRdLp _VarEnt _ParseOnC _ParseOn _ParseCmd _StoType _Find_E_UndefOrArchived _Next_Y_Style _UserPutMap _GetCurrentPageSub _Redisp _SetFP0 _HandleLinkActivity _SPutTokString _RstrCursorAndFlags _CSquare _CSqrAbs _Conj _CMltByReal _CDivByReal _CTrunc _CFrac _CIntgr _ReceiveVarData2 _LoadBIndPaged _CallCursorHook _CallRawKeyHook _SetRawKeyHook _CallGetKeyHook _SetLocalizeHook _ClrLocalizeHook _ClrWindowHook _ClrRegraphHook _CallRegraphHook _ClrParserHook _SetDrawingHook _ClrDrawingHook _IPoint_NoHook _ILine_NoHook _CLineS_NoHook _Fake_Chk_Batt_Low _Fake_Chk_Batt_Low2 _GetRelSeconds _DisableClock _EnableClock _GetDayOfWeek _FormDate _GetDateFmt _FormDateString _FormTime _GetTimeFmt _FormTimeString _GetClockStatus _SetDateMakeList _SetDateFmt _SetTimeMakeList _SetTimeFmt _GetAbsSeconds _AbsSecondsToTimeList _WaitEnterKey _GetTokenCompatLevel _oldbc5254 _oldbc5257 _oldbc525A _oldbc525D _oldbc5260 _SetUSBHook _ClrUSBHook _oldbc52E1 _CheckAppRestrictions _oldbc5308 _oldbc530B _CheckPort81Bit6 _oldbc5311 _GetFastCircCoord _WPutSN _Load_LFont _DrawStatusBar _DrawBatteryIndicator _GetBatteryLevel _DrawStatusBarInfo _BacklightPowerOnInit _BacklightExitPowerSave _BacklightEnterPowerSave _BacklightAdjust2x _SetTextFGColor_3 _SetTextFGColor_2 _SetTextFGColor _VPutPS _SetLCDWindowAndPos _SetLCDWindowFull _DrawThickRectBorder _GetColorValue _WaitAWhile _BigNumCompare _WriteAByteUnsafe _FindFirstCertificateField _ATimesE _ATimesDE _DivHLByE _DivHLByDE _ClearFullScreen _FindNextCertificateField _GetCalcSerial _Div32ByDE _FindSimpleGroupedField _GetHWVer _WriteFlashSafe _SetAppLimit

These BCALLs appear in Brandon's file, but not in the community file: _fonthook _call_character_hook _kdbscan _cxputaway _cxputaway2 _cxpputaway _cxsizewind _cxerrep _cxmain _resetram _lcd_busy _mov9b2 _mov7b2 _opset0 _getconop1 _getconop2 _pitimes2 _pi _marktabledirty _op1expminuse _regclrchng _setyup _setxup _createtemprlist _createtemprmat _createtempstring _createtempequ _createpict _isfixedname _delvarentry _pushmcplxo1 _sdone _serrort _snameeq _sunderscr _sfail _sname _sok _savetr _restoretr _setvarname _zifcatalog _zifmatrixmenu _menuswitchcontext _backupgraphsettings _savesavedflags _setmenuflags _rstrsomeflags _rstroscreen _saveoscreen _prevcontext _comparecontext cumsum _cpyo1toes15 _processbufkeys _zmstats _point_stat_hlp _drawsplot _initnewtracep _splotcoord _splotright _splotleft _cmpboxinfo _nextplot _prevplot _clrprevplot _put_index_lst _get_index_lst _heap_sort _stogdb2 _rclgdb2 _circcmd _grphcirc _traceoff _grredisp _gdisptoken _grdecoda _labcoor _coordisp _tmpequnosrc _ypixset _xpixset _copyrng _valcur _grputaway _rstgflags _grreset _xycent _zoomxycmd _cptdely _cptdelx _setfuncm _setseqm _setpolm _setparm _zmint _zmdecml _zmprev _zmusr _setuzm _zmfit _zmsquare _zmtrig _setxminmax _zoodefault _grbufcpy _drawsplitline _restoredisp _fnddb _alleq _fndallseleq _nexteq _preveq _blinkgcur _nbcursor _statmark _regraph initnseq _ceiling _putxy _putequno _pointcmd _pixeltest _pixelcmd _tanlnf _drawcmd_init _drawcmd _shadecmd _invcmd _statshade _dspmattable _dsplsts _closeeditbuf _parseeditbuf _dspcurtbl _dspgrtbl _zerotemplate _settblrefs _disptblbot _disptbltop _disptblbody _tbltrace _bufclear _cursorright _cursorup _canindic _dfmin2 _mintoedit _formtotok _displstname _dispslstnamehl _stringwidth _disperrorscreen _setnorm_vals _setyoffset _convfckeytotok _convfekeytotok _sendskipexitpacket _sendscreenshot keyscnlnk _deselectallvars _closeprog _clrgraphref _fixtempcnt _savedata _restoredata _findalphaup _findalphadn _cmpsyms _cleanall _movetonextsym _convlrtolc _tblscreendn _tblscreenup _screenup _screenupdown _zifrclhandler _zifrclkapp _rclkeyrtn _rclkey _rclregeq_call _rclregeq _initnameprompt _nameprompt2 _catalogchk _clrtr _quad _graphquad _bc2noreal _errnonreal_fpst_fps1 _fetchquotedstring _fetchnumline _parsenametokens _parseinpgraph _parseinpgraphreset _parseinplastent _erroncertaintypes _aheadequal _parsahead _getdeptr _find_e_undef _onevar _onevars_0 _ordstat _initstatans2 _anova_spec _centcursor _text _finishspec _trcyfunc _rcl_seq_x _rclseq2 _grpputaway _ckvaldelx _ckvaldelta _grbufclr _grbufcpy_v _fndseleq _clrgraphxy _nedxt_y_style _plotpt _newindep _axes _tan_equ_disp _putans _mathtanln _enddraw _startdialog _dialoginit _getdialognumop1 _setdialognumop1 _getdialognumhl _errargumento123 _setdialogkeyoverride _resdialogkeyoverride _forcedialogkeypress _dialogstartgetkey _startdialog_override _calldialogcallback _setdialogcallback _resdialogcallback _copydialognum _strlength _vputmaprec _getrompage _monreset _clearparsevar _setparsevarprog _iscontextkey cxredisp _opset0de _savedisp _jforcecmdnochar2 _set2iy34 _get_numkey _appsetup _handlelinkkeyactivity _jforcecmdnochar3 _releasesedit _initsmalleditline _startsmalledit _restorepencol _donothing _forcesmalleditreturn _veraseeol _gotoerr _initsmalleditbox _emptyhook _forcesmalleditreturn2 _clearrow _appscreenupdown _appscreenupdown1 _initsmalleditlinevar _initsmalleditlineop1 _initsmalleditboxvar _initsmalleditboxop1 _restartdialog _appstartmouse _appstartmousenosetup _appmousegetkey _appdispmouse _apperasemouse _appsetupmousemem _getdisprowoffset _invertrect _appupdatemouse _appdispprevmouse _initcellbox _drawcell _invertcell _setcelloverride _clearcell _covercell _fillrectpattern _displayimage _appupdatemousecoords _shiftbitsleft _appupdatemouserow _appdrawmouse _appdrawmousedirect _appupdatemousexy _setmodecellflag _resetmodecellflag _ismodecellset _getmodecellflag _cellboxmanager _startnewcell _cellcursorhandle _clearcurcell _drawcurcell _invertcurcell _covercurcell _blinkcell _blinkcellnolookup _blinkcurcell _blinkcelltoon _blinkcelltoonnolookup _blinkcurcelltoon _blinkcelltooff _blinkcelltooffnolookup _blinkcurcelltooff _getcurmodecellflag _startsmalleditreturn _cellkhandle _errchkalphabox _eraseallcells _iscurmodecellset _initalphabox _drawblnkcell _clearblnkcell _invertblnkcell _appmouseforcekey _appsetupmousememcoords _appmovemouse _getstringinput _getstringinput2 _waitenterkeyvalue _csqaure _addsquares _invertnonreal _cplxmult _cplxdiv _cplxtrunc _cplxfrac _cplxfloor _receivevardataexists _srchvlstup _srchvlstdn _sendvariable _convert85list _senddirectorycontents _convert85real _ret_6 _sendcertificate _sendapplication _sendosheader _sendospage _sendos _sendosvalidationdata _sendgetkeypress _rejectcommand _checklinklines _getbytepaged _cursorhook _call_library_hook _call_rawkey_hook _enablelibraryhook _disablelibraryhook _resethookbytes _getkeyhook _setgetcschook _call_linkactivity_hook _enablelinkactivityhook _disablelinkhook _getsmallpacket2 _enablecatalog2hook _disablecatalog2hook _enablelocalizehook _disablelocalizehook _settokenhook _cleartokenhook _displistelementoffla _sethomescreenhook _clrhomescreenhook _disablewindowhook _setgraphmodehook _disablegraphhook _parseandstoresysvar _displayeditsysvar _jforcewindowsettings _setyedithook _disableyequhook _jforceyequ _dialogkeyhook _disableregraphhook _rungraphinghook _settracehook _disabletracehook _runtracehook _nderiv _polarderivative _clearparserhook _setappchangehook _clearappchangehook _enablegraphicshook _disablegraphicshook _ipointnographicshook _ilinenohook _deletetempprograms _enablecatalog1hook _disablecatalog1hook _enablehelphook _disablehelphook _dispcatalogend _getmenukeypress _getcatalogitem _runcatalog2hook _runcatalog1hook _enablecxredisphook _disablecxredisphook _bufcpy _bufclr _unopexec2 _binopexec2 _loadmenub _displayvarinfo _setmenuhook _clearmenuhook _getbcoffsetix2 _forcegraphkeypress _donothing3 _isfragmented _chk_batt_low _chk_batt_low_2 _rclexit _groupallvars _ungroupvar _setsilentlinkhook _disablesilentlinkhook _twovarset _execclassctoken _execclass3token _getsysinfo _nzif83plus _linkstatus _donothing2 _keyboardgetkey _runapplib _findspecialappheader _appgetcblusb _appgetcalcusb _tenx2 _getvarversion _deletetempeditequ _jcursorfirst2 _promptmovebackleft _wputseol2 _resetdefaults _zerofinancevars _jforcegroup _dispcoords _chktmr _getdatestring _getdtfmt _getdtstr _gettimestring _gettmfmt _gettmstr _setzeroone _setdate _isonetwothree _settime _isop112or24 _chktimer0 _timecnv _getltoop1extra _setmachineid _dispvalue _cpop1op2rounded _cpop1op2rounded2 _resetioprompt _strcpyvardata _setupeditor _sorta _sortd _isop1resid _listednamecxmain _listedenternewname _forcemodekeypress _dispaboutscreen _chkhelphookver _drawtableeditor _displaylistnameequals _displaylistheader _dispmatrixdimensions _highlightlisteditem _matrixname _setupemptyedittempequ _execclass1token _handlemathtokenparse _maybepushmultiplyop _restartparseop1result _chk_batt_level _displaylistequals _getcurplotlistoffset _gotolastrow _loada5 _namedlisttoop1 _initusbdevicecallback _killusbdevice _setusbconfiguration _requestusbdata _stopreceivingusbdata _findappheaderbypage _findnextheaderbypage _ismatchinglaunchapp _inittimer _killtimer _starttimer _restarttimer _stoptimer _waittimer _checktimer _checktimerrestart _setvertgraphactive _clearvertgraphactive _enableusbhook _disableusbhook _ziftableeditor _getcurplotoffset _findappname _updatestatplotlists _grbufcpycustom _vdisprealop1 _dispxequalsnum _resetgraphsettings _initializevariables _deleteinvalidapps _cmpsymsnocase _setapprestrictions _removeapprestrictions _queryapprestrictions _setuphome _grputawayfull _sendsmartpadkeypress _toggleusbsmartpadinput _isusbdeviceconnected _recycleusb _paramxequtoop1 _paramyequtoop1 _pttreset _cleargraphstyles _rsavalidate _cmpstr _writeabyte _findfirstcertfield _ret_1 _ret_2 _ret_3 _ret_4 _ret_5 _mult8by8 _mult16by8 _div16by8 _div16by16 _checkheaderkey _load_lfontv2 _load_lfontv _receiveos _findnextcertfield _getbyteorboot _getserial _receivecalcid _markosinvalid _findprogramlicense _markosvalid _checkosvalidated _setupapppubkey _sigmodr _transformhash _isappfreeware _writevalidationnumber _div32by16 _findgroup _gethardwareversion _xora _bignumpowermod17 _prodnrpart1 _writeflash _setupdatestamppubkey _setflashlowerbound _lowbatteryboot _attemptusbosreceive _displaybootmessage _newline2 _displaybooterror10 _chk_batt_low_b _chk_batt_low_b2 _receiveos_usb _displayosprogress _resetcalc _setupospubkey _checkheaderkeyhl _usberrorcleanup _initusb _killusb _displaybooterror1 _displaybooterror2 _displaybooterror3 _displaybooterror4 _displaybooterror5 _displaybooterror6 _displaybooterror7 _displaybooterror8 _displaybooterror9