From WikiTI
Name: Y Equ Hook
Hook Pointer Block Address: 9B98
Hook Enable BCALL: 4FCF
Hook Disable BCALL: 4FD2
Hook Call BCALL: 9012
Hook Active Flag: 4, (iy + 35h)
This hook allows you to change the way the Y Equ app functions.
Using the Hook
These different values, passed in a, determines what the hook should do.
- 0: The calculator is switching to the Y= app.
- 1: The calculator is switching to the sign in front of y1..y0 from. This isn't called when moving up and down through these signs
- 2: Preparing to draw the sign in front of y1..y0. If you want your own sign there, just use PutC and abort the drawing of the sign by the OS.
- Zero flag: Clear to abort the drawing of the sign.
- 3: Preparing to draw plot1..3
- Zero flag: Clear to abort the drawing of the plot1..3 texts.
- 4: Preparing to switch to the plot1..3 line.
- Zero flag: Clear to abort the action of switching to the plot1..3 line.
- 5: Preparing to en/disable the function (inverting the = sign)
- c: Contains the appropriate that will be executed. It can be changed to do the opposite action.
- c=0 Preparing to disable the function
- c=1 Preparing to enable the function
- Zero flag: Clear to abort the change
- c: Contains the appropriate that will be executed. It can be changed to do the opposite action.
- 6: A key has been pressed
- b: Contains the GetKey equivalent of the key being pressed. This can be changed to simulate another keypress.
- Zero flag: Clear to ignore the keypress
- 7: This is called after a=5 when it's turning on of off the = sign.
- L: Contains the function being edited.
- 8: Preparing to draw the = sign. If you want your own sign there, just use PutC and abort the drawing of the sign by the OS.
- Zero flag: Clear to abort the drawing of the = sign.
- 9: Preparing to switch the cursor to another function
The above information is based on research in func mode only.