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Revision as of 07:15, 5 August 2006 by FloppusMaximus (Talk | contribs)
Unofficial Name: CheckHeaderKey
BCALL Address: 8063
Check if a given key (specified by an app or OS header) is present on the calculator.
- appData contains the app header
- Z if the key specified is present, either as a built-in (freeware) key or in the certificate.
Flash must be write-enabled first if you want to check for non-built-in keys.
On the 84+, this routine does not accept the built-in 04 key as valid (even though SetupOSPubKey will happily load it if requested.) Thus, in order for the calculator to accept an 04-signed OS, the 04 key must actually be present in the certificate. This seems to be a bug, though a convenient one for TI.