Basic Template
Note: Do not take the information on this template page as actual documentation!
BASIC commands are organized by category (the available ones are shown on the 83+ BASIC page, but you can create a new one if completely necessary). Remember to put this at the top of the page, replacing "FunctionCategory" and "FunctionName" with the category and name of the function:
Required arguments to the function should be in italics, and optional arguments should be enclosed in square brackets, with a vertical bar to show alternate options. If this sounds confusing, see the template for an example.
Token: 03 81 C6
Syntax: NewFunc required_arg [optional_arg1 | optional_arg2 | arg_list_1,arg_list_2,...]
Short one-line description.
A more detailed description goes here, describing the results of the function.
- Something to watch out for.
- Another quick tip.
:NewFunc 1,2 :NewFunc 83,"A","B"