From WikiTI
Unofficial Name: GetSmallPacket
BCALL Address: 4EEB
Receives at most 14 bytes of a data packet over the link port and sends either acknowledge or bad checksum packets.
- (header+2): expected size of data packet
- iy+1Bh set up accordingly
- Bytes are received to ioData
- All
This BCALL will throw ERR:LINK if any problems are found. It DOES NOT receive the first 4 bytes of the data packet (machine ID, command, size word). Set this up yourself.
If the checksum is valid, an acknowledgement packet is sent. Otherwise, a bad checksum packet is sent and ERR:LINK is thrown.
BCALL 4F8A is identical to this, except it receives the bytes to ioData-1 (your guess is as good as mine).