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Revision as of 16:42, 27 March 2007 by Nyquist562 (Talk | contribs)
Official Name: ChkFindSym
BCALL Address: 42F1
Recalls various pointers and information for a symbol in the VAT.
- OP1 = Name of variable (with proper initial defining byte, see example)
- HL = VAT pointer
- DE = Data location (to the best of my knowledge, please confirm this)
- B = Flash Page, or 0 if in RAM
- C = Length of Varibale Name
- A = 'unknown'
- carry flag is set if the variable is not found in the VAT
Registers Destroyed
ld hl,varname B_CALL Mov9toOp1 B_CALL ChkFindSym jr c,notfound ;cary flag is set if the VAT entry is not found ex de,hl ;put data pointer into hl xor a cp b ;see if b is 0, and the program is in the ram jr z,unarchived ;if so, jump to unarchived ;do something to get it into RAM unarchived: ;do something once it is in RAM varName: .db AppVarObj, "APPVAR",0