Z80 Routines:Memory:RAM Access
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Revision as of 16:25, 11 April 2007 by Nyquist562 (Talk | contribs)
RAM page Access
This is a routine to easily access those RAM pages generally inaccessable.
;=======READ/WRITE DATA FROM/TO RAM PAGE======= ;inputs: hl=offset of where to start reading data ; (ranges from 4000h-7FFFh for READING the 'Unused' RAM page) ; or (from 8000h-BFFFh for WRITING to the 'Unused' RAM page) ; bc=number of bytes to copy ; de=where to save the data ; (ranges from 4000h-7FFFh for WRITING to the 'Unused' RAM page) ; or (from 8000h-BFFFh for writing to the 'standard' RAM page) ; RAMPAGE=new page to read/write in a,(06h) push af ld a,RAMPAGE out (06h),a ;a=any valid RAM page number (83h-87h are unused by the OS ;see [[83Plus:OS:Ram Pages]] for more info on RAM pages ldir pop af out (06h),a ret
This routine is a modified version of the routine I use in my programs, and is untested, but seems like it would work. If there is anything I have forgotten PLEASE add it and tell me if possible.