Z80 Routines:Math:Advance Math

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These are routines designed for math of a slightly higher level. These don't necessarily contribute to everyday coding, but might be useful for an OS that handles such math (or programming language).

nCr Algorithm

This computes "n choose r" using an algorithm that makes use of both shadow registers and other calls. This can very likely be optimised, so feel free to edit with a new version.

;     hl is "n"
;     de is "r"
;     interrupts off
;     a is 0
;     bc is an intermediate result
;     de is "n"
;     hl is the result
;     a' is not changed
;     bc' is "r"+1
;     de' is the same as bc
;     hl' is "r" or the compliment, whichever is smaller
     or a                     ;reset carry flag
     sbc hl,de
     ret c                    ;r should not be bigger than n
     sbc hl,de \ add hl,de
     jr nc,$+3
       ex de,hl
                             ;hl is R
     push de
     ld bc,1                 ;A
     pop de                  ;N
     ld bc,1                 ;C
     ld h,b \ ld l,c         ;D
     push de
     push hl
     call DE_Times_BC        ;Returns BC unchanged, DEHL is the product
     push hl \ exx \ pop de
     push hl
     call DE_Div_BC          ;Returns HL is the quotient, BC is not changed
     pop de
     push hl \ ex de,hl \ exx \ pop hl
     ld b,h \ ld c,l
     pop de \ add hl,de
     pop de \ inc de
     inc bc
     or a \ sbc hl,bc \ add hl,bc
     jr nc,nCrLoop


This finds the greatest common divisor (GCD) of HL and BC.

;     HL is a number
;     BC is a number
;     A is 0
;     BC is the GCD
;     DE is 0
;     HL
;Size:  25 bytes
;Speed: 30 to 49708 cycles
;       -As slow as about 126 times per second at 6MHz
;       -As fast as about 209715 times per second at 6MHz
;Speed break down:
;     If HL=BC, 30 cycles
;     24+1552x
;     If BC>HL, add 20 cycles
;     *x is from 1 to at most 32 (because we use 2 16-bit numbers)
     or a \ sbc hl,bc     ;B7ED42    19
     ret z                ;C8        5|11
     add hl,bc            ;09        11
     jr nc,$+8            ;3006      11|31
       ld a,h             ;7C        --
       ld h,b             ;60        --
       ld b,a             ;47        --
       ld a,l             ;7D        --
       ld l,c             ;69        --
       ld c,a             ;4F        --
     call HL_Div_BC       ;CD****    1511    returns BC unchanged, DE is the remainder
     ld a,d \ or e        ;7AB2      8
     ret z                ;C8        5|11
     ld h,b \ ld l,c      ;6069      8
     ld b,d \ ld c,e      ;424B      8
     jr $-10              ;18F8      12


This is as simple as multiplying the two numbers and dividing by the GCD.

Credits and Contributions

  • Zeda (Xeda) Elnara for the nCr and GCD algorithm