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Flag Byte: 09h

Official Names: onFlags, statFlags

Bit Overview

Bit 0

We do not have information on what this bit does, if anything.

Bit 1

We do not have information on what this bit does, if anything.

Bit 2

Unofficial Name: onClrScrn

Set this flag if you want to clear the screen when the calculator is turned on. The bit will then be reset. The OS only sets this bit inside Initialize.

Bit 3

Official Name: onRunning

This bit indicates whether the calculator is currently running or not. It is used by the on-key interrupt handler. When the calculator is not running, the interrupt handler will turn the calculator on. When the calculator is running an on-key press will either turn the calculator off or set bit 4 of this flag byte depending on shift2nd,(iy+shiftFlags).

Bit 4

Official Name: onInterrupt

Set when the on-key was pressed when the calculator is currently running and 2nd has not been pressed. See also bit 3. You should reset this bit to indicate that the on-key press has been handled. If you return from an assembly program to the TIOS with this bit set, an ERR:BREAK will be generated.

Bit 5

We do not have information on what this bit does, if anything.

Bit 6

Official Name: statsValid

Set this bit to indicate that statVars holds valid data. Reset this bit otherwise (e.g. when you use statVars as a saferam area).

Bit 7

We do not have information on what this bit does, if anything.