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Name: Menu Hook

Hook Pointer Block Address: D02608

Hook Enable BCALL: 021518

Hook Disable BCALL: 02151C

Hook Call BCALL: (none known)

Hook Active Flag: 6, (iy + 36h)

The menu hook allows for modification of any of the system menus that are presented through the system monitor.

Using the Hook

This hook, like most, is called for several events, each identified by A. In general, it appears that returning with the zero flag set will cause the OS to execute its normal behavior.

I've ordered the events in the order that they are called by the OS.

Before the menu is displayed

  • A=4: this is the first event called. B contains the value of the menu about to be displayed. MenuCurrent contains the value of the previous menu that was displayed. Return nz to cancel the displaying. Edit B to the menu you want to be displayed.