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Official Name: InsertMem

BCALL Address: 42F7

Adds RAM space into an existing variable.


  • HL = amount of RAM to insert into the variable
  • DE = the memory address where the RAM will be inserted


  • DE = the memory addressed where the RAM was inserted. Equivilant to the input.


  • All


  • This routine will not check to see if there is insufficient RAM. It is highly suggested to do that beforehand, using the bcall EnoughMem.
  • The size field of the variable is not updated. The user must do this himself.
  • DE cannot be the first byte of the variable's data or else the symbol entry's pointer to the data will become corrupt (the first byte being the size field?).


 ld  hl,9
 B_CALL  EnoughMem
 jr  c,NotEnoughMem          ;make sure there is enough memory to insert the RAM
 ld  hl,ApplicationVariable
 rst  rMov9ToOP1
 B_CALL  ChkFindSym          ;find the application variable
 jr  nc,AppVarNotFound
 inc  de
 inc  de          ;move past the size bytes
 ld  hl,9
 B_CALL  InsertMem          ;insert 9 bytes here
 ex  de,hl
 dec  hl
 ld  a,(hl)
 dec  hl
 push  hl
 ld  h,(hl)
 ld  l,a          ;ld hl,(de). Load the size of the AppVar in hl
 ld  de,9
 add  hl,de          ;add 9 to hl
 ex de,hl
 pop  hl
 ld  (hl),e
 inc  hl
 ld  (hl),d          ;Store the new size back into the AppVar
  .db AppVarObj,"APPVAR",0