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Unofficial Name: VPutMapRec

BCALL Address: 4C42

Displays the character data at sFont_record at the current screen coordinates (the same as VPutMap).


  • sFont_record = character data
  • penRow = row to display at
  • penCol = column to display at


  • Character is displayed


  • Unknown


This routine works exactly the same as VPutMap except that it uses the character data at sFont_record instead of a character equate in A. In theory, this means you can draw any character or sprite you can think up (within reason).

It will reset fracDrawLFont,(iy+fontFlags) many times, even more times if A = 8 (for whatever reason).


Example code to display a capital A in the top left corner of the screen:

 ld hl,0
 ld (penCol),hl
 ld l,'A'
 add hl,hl ;*2
 add hl,hl ;*4
 add hl,hl ;*8
 B_CALL Load_SFont ;load font data for 'A' to sFont_record
 B_CALL VPutMapRec ;display sFont_record data