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Revision as of 22:38, 27 March 2005 by Dan Englender (Talk | contribs)

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Official Name: AppStartMouse

BCALL Address: 4D47

Initializes mouse, displays mouse cursor on screen, and waits for a keypress.


  • None


  • A: 0Ah if arrow key pressed, 0Ch if enter key pressed
  • 986D: Current mouse cursor coordinates
  • Cursor turned off
  • Run indicated turned off
  • Mouse cursor displayed at center of LCD


  • BC, DE, HL
  • ramCode


This entry point does not clear the screen before displaying the mouse cursor. It waits for a keypress, but only responds to the arrow keys and the enter key. Use the AppUpdateMouse entry point to update the cursor on the screen and wait for another keypress.