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Port Number: 00h

This port controls the calculator's serial link port (the standard link port present on the 83+, 83+ SE, 84+ and 84+ SE - do not confuse this with the 84+/84+SE's USB link port).

Read Values

  • Bit 0 and 1: The low 2 bits indicate the state of the link port's two lines. A 1 bit indicates a high line, and a 0 bit indicates a low line. When idle (no transfer in progress, no cable plugged in, etc), both lines are usually high (1). When a cable is connected on both ends, a line reads high if and only if both ends have set the line high. The line will read low if either calculator sets it low.
  • Bit 5 and 6: Bits 5 and 6 indicate which lines are pulled low by the calculator (unlike bits 0 and 1 they are not influenced by the other calculator). A 1 bit indicates your calculator is holding the line low. A 0 bit indicates your calculator is not holding the line low. (When both calculators have a 0 bit here, the corresponding line will read 1.) In other words, these bits reflect bits 0 and 1 from the most recent write to this port.
  • Bit 2: I have absolutely no idea what this means or does...

Write Values

  • Bit 0 and 1: The low 2 bits indicate what state the lines should be put into. A 1 bit will pull the line low. A 0 bit will stop holding the line low (allowing it to go high if the other calculator is not holding it low).
  • Bit 2: I have absolutely no idea what this means or does, except that any change of this bit causes both lines to be released, and writing with this bit set causes bit 2 to read 1, and the next write causes it to read 0 and both lines are released.


As mentioned bit 2's effect is unknown. An example of it's behavior follows:

Start, read 03.
Write 02, read 01.
Write 07, read 07.
Write 07, read 03.
Write 07, read 07.
Write 00, read 03.
Write 09, read 07.
Write 01, read 03.

Note: Transferring an entire byte requires you to implement some form of protocol. Examples include TI's official linking protocol, and Michael Vincent's TachyonLink protocol (linkies to be available later).


ld a, 0 ;Release both lines.
out (0), a
in a, (0) ;03h
ld a, 2 ;Hold bit 1 low.
out (0), a
in a, (0) ;21h
ld a, 1 ;Relase bit 1, hold bit 0 low.
out (0), a
in a, (0) ;12h
ld a, 3 ;Hold bit 1 low. Bit 0 stays low.
out (0), a
in a, (0) ;30h
ld a, 0 ;Release both lines.
out (0), a

Credits and Contributions

  • /dev/urandom: Because of your randomness, this project is possible.