Flags Template

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Revision as of 10:20, 28 March 2005 by AndyJ (Talk | contribs)

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Note: Do not take the information on this template page as actual documentation!

The Flags are named by IY offset, in hexadecimal. An example is 83Plus:Flags:2A.

When putting Flags into categories, you have a lot of work to do. You have to put the entire byte into the By Address group, and then the page into different By Name entries based on each byte. For example, this page would need the following Category code:

[[Category:83Plus:Flags:By Address|01]]
[[Category:83Plus:Flags:By Name|useLargeFont]]
[[Category:83Plus:Flags:By Name|onIterrupt]]

Yes, it's complicated, but the easiest/best way we (at least I) can think of.


Flag Byte: 01h

Known Names: onFlags, someOtherFlagGroup

Bit Overview

Bit 0

This bit does nothing.

Bit 1

Official Name: useLargeFont

This bit controls what font VPutMap uses. Set for large font, reset for small.

Bit 2

Official Name: onInterrupt

This flag is set if the ON key was pressed. You must manually reset it.

Bit 3

This bit does nothing.

Bit 4

This bit does nothing.

Bit 5

This bit does nothing.

Bit 6

This bit does nothing.

Bit 7

This bit does nothing.

Credits and Contributions

  • /sbin/init: Without you, none of this would be possible. :)