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Z80 instruction set


Instruction Opcode Time S Z X H Y P N C Effect
adc a,R 10001rrr 4 + + + + + V 0 + a += R + cf
adc a,N 11001110 nnnnnnnn 7 + + + + + V 0 + a += N + cf
adc a,(hl) 10001110 7 + + + + + V 0 + a += (hl) + cf
adc a,(ix+D) 11011101 10001110 dddddddd 19 + + + + + V 0 + a += (ix+D) + cf
adc a,(iy+D) 11111101 10001110 dddddddd 19 + + + + + V 0 + a += (iy+D) + cf
adc hl,Q 11101101 01qq1010 15 + + + + + V 0 + hl += Q + cf
add a,R 10000rrr 4 + + + + + V 0 + a += R
add a,N 11000110 nnnnnnnn 7 + + + + + V 0 + a += N
add a,(hl) 10000110 7 + + + + + V 0 + a += (hl)
add a,(ix+D) 11011101 10000110 dddddddd 19 + + + + + V 0 + a += (ix+D)
add a,(iy+D) 11111101 10000110 dddddddd 19 + + + + + V 0 + a += (iy+D)
add hl,Q 00qq1001 11 - - + + + - 0 + hl += Q + cf
add ix,Q 11011101 00qq1001 15 - - + + + - 0 + ix += Q + cf
add iy,Q 11111101 00qq1001 15 - - + + + - 0 + iy += Q + cf
call A 11001101 alalalal ahahahah 17 - - - - - - - - sp -= 2, (sp) := pc, pc := A
ccf 00111111 4 - - A X A - 0 X hf := cf, cf := ~cf
ld R1,R2 01rrrsss 4 - - - - - - - - R1 := R2
pop P 11pp0001 10 - - - - - - - - P := (sp), sp += 2
push P 11pp0101 11 - - - - - - - - sp -= 2, (sp) := P
ret 11001001 10 - - - - - - - - pc := (sp), sp += 2


Notation Meaning Respective opcode bits
A 16-bit address alalalal ahahahah
D 8-bit signed relative offset dddddddd
N 8-bit immediate nnnnnnnn
P 16-bit register pair: bc, de, hl, af pp = 00, 01, 10, 11
Q 16-bit register: bc, de, hl, sp qq = 00, 01, 10, 11
R 8-bit general purpose register: a, b, c, d, e, h, l rrr (or sss) = 111, 000, 001, 010, 011, 100, 101


  • - = no change
  • + = change by definition:
    • S = sign, bit 7 of the result byte (accumulator or high byte for 16-bit operations)
    • Z = zero, set if the result is zero (8 or 16-bit value)
    • X = undocumented, bit 5 of the result byte
    • H = half-carry, the carry of the low nibble of the result byte
    • Y = undocumented, bit 3 of the result byte
    • P = parity (set if the result byte has an even number of bits set) or overflow (set when crossing the boundary of the signed range); always specified
    • N = negative, set if the previous operation was a subtraction; always specified
    • C = carry, the theoretical bit 8 of the result byte
  • 0 = always reset
  • 1 = always set
  • X = change described under Effect
  • P = parity (only for the parity flag)
  • V = overflow (only for the parity flag)
  • A = OR with the respective bit of the accumulator