Z80 Good Programming Practices

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Using IX

If you have objects represented by adjacent chunks of data in memory, you can use IX to easily manage them.

 ld b,10
 ld hl,SpritesData
 ld b,(hl) ; coordx
 inc hl
 ld c,(hl) ; coordy
 inc hl
 ld d,(hl) ; first part of address
 inc hl
 ld e,(hl) ; end of address
 inc hl
 call DisplaySprite
 djnz DisplaySpritesLoop
COORDX .equ 0
COORDY .equ 1
ADDR1 .equ 2
ADDR2 .equ 3

 ld b,10
 ld ix,SpritesData
 ld b,(ix+COORDX)
 ld c,(ix+COORDY)
 ld d,(ix+ADDR1)
 ld e,(ix+ADDR2)
 call DisplaySprite
 ld hl,4
 add ix,hl
 djnz DisplaySpritesLoop

Defining constants for the offsets of each field of your "objects" makes the code more understandable. However this particular example is not the best, being that the original code is faster and smaller. Typically in sequential access using the HL register would perform better, however if random access of different objects and different elements in an object is required through out a particular iteration, than ix would be the better choice.

Lookup table

If you have a place in your code where a value is tested to choose between a lot of things, like subroutines or data, it can be a good idea to use lookup tables instead of a series of tests. It makes the code more readable, concise and extensible.

In terms optimisation though it should be used when the data is not sequentially ordered or when the objects being pointed to are not the same size. For example, using LUTs (Look Up Tables) to find a tile in a block of memory that is only tiles would both slower and cost more memory. Using LUTs to find a particular string would be quicker but would waste more memory than a linear search. Using LUTs as a jump table to different code blocks located through out a program would be faster and smaller compared to the alternative.

 ld a,(SpriteNumber)
 cp 1
 jp z,ChooseSprite1
 cp 2
 jp z,ChooseSprite2
 cp 3
 jp z,ChooseSprite3
 cp 4
 jp z,ChooseSprite4
 ld hl,Sprite1
 jp DisplaySprite
 ld hl,Sprite2
 jp DisplaySprite
 ld hl,Sprite3
 jp DisplaySprite
 ld hl,Sprite4
 jp DisplaySprite
 ld bc,(coordinates)
 call SpriteRoutine

 ld a,(SpriteNumber)
 add a,a ; a*2
 ld h,0 
 ld l,a 
 ld de,SpriteAddressLUT
 add hl,de
 ld a,(hl)
 inc hl
 ld h,(hl)
 ld l,a
 ld bc,(coordinates)
 call SpriteRoutine
 .dw Sprite1
 .dw Sprite2
 .dw Sprite3
 .dw Sprite4

And this one :

 ld a,(MenuChoice)
 cp 1
 jp z,Choice1
 cp 2
 jp z,Choice2
 cp 3
 jp z,Choice3
 cp 4
 jp z,Choice4
 ld a,(MenuChoice)
 add a,a ; a*2
 ld h,0
 ld l,a
 ld de,CodeBranchLUT
 add hl,de
 ld a,(hl)
 inc hl
 ld h,(hl)
 ld l,a
 jp (hl)
 .dw Choice1
 .dw Choice2
 .dw Choice3
 .dw Choice4
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