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Saibot84's routine:

code					;comment

					;K can be any real value

1≠round(fPart(K),9			;check for calc thinking the fractional part=1
K(Ans)+not(Ans)(1+int(K			;if fPart=1, then Ans=int(K)+1, else, Ans=K
{Ans,1→L1				;L1={numerator,denominator
If fPart(L1(1				;if there's a fPart to the numerator...
{K→L1					;leave just the numerator in L1
For(C,0,1				;initiate a loop
If 1=round(fPart(L1(dim(L1))),9		;if the fPart of the last element of L1=1...
1+int(L1(dim(L1→L1(dim(L1		;the last element of L1=int(last element of L1)+1
augment(L1,{fPart(L1(dim(L1)))^(-1	;append the inverse of the fPart(last element of L1) to L1
0→C					;force the For loop to repeat upon next End
If L1(dim(L1))=int(round(L1(dim(L1)),9	;if the last element of L1 is an interger...
1→C					;we do NOT want to repeat the loop
End					;to loop or not to loop, that is the question
For(C,0,dim(L1)-2			;for each element of L1, except one...
dim(L1)-C				;saving memory and preparing to do the work
L1(Ans)L1(Ans-1)→L1(Ans-1		;multiply the last two elements of L1 together

					;L1(1)=numerator, L1(2)=denominator

calc84maniac's routine:

:While [e]-9<Ans(3                         ;[e] is little scientific notation e