83Plus:Software:usb8x/Asm Interface/MSD/DOS countFilesInDir

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Name: DOS_countFilesInDir

Minimum usb8x version: 0.10

Gets number of files in specified directory.


  • HL points to an ASCIIZ string of the directory path


  • BC is number of entries
  • C set if problems


  • AF, BC, DE, HL


If the root directory is checked, no further action is necessary. However, if you use this function on a subdirectory, it will count the "." and ".." directory entries as folders. These are pointers to the current and parent directory used by FAT16. To you, this simply means you need to subtract two when dealing with a subdirectory. Example code to count number of files/folders in the "test" directory, which is in the root directory:

ld hl,sDirectory
U_CALL DOS_countFilesInDir
dec bc
dec bc
;BC contains number of files/directories
sDirectory: DB "/test",0

If you are writing an application, you must copy the strings you use to RAM first, or else usb8x will not be able to see them.

See Also

  • [[../FAT_lookupPath|FAT_lookupPath]] - Find whether specified file/directory exists