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PindurTI (commonly referred to as PTI) is the latest addition to the TI emulator 'family', still in development by Patai Gergely. This page contains the up-to-date documentation.


  • Full support for 82 and 83. 83+ support isn't complete yet, but it's already the most accurate of all emulators.
  • Raw virtual linking of any number of calculators.
  • Built-in (animated) screenshotting ability.
  • Debugger.
  • Scripting for external tools (preliminary in the latest version), which is already used by LateNite

If you have ideas you want to incorporate in the tool, you can submit your ideas at the PindurTI idea box. Repetitions and trivialities are frowned upon.


PindurTI requires no installation; it is a standalone executable you can put anywhere. It will only create a file called pti.conf in its working directory (which is by default the same as the one the executable is located in), so make sure this directory is not read-only for pindurti.exe.

At the moment of writing PindurTI has no real graphical user interface (GUI) yet, only the absolute minimum required to use all the features. Here are the steps to get going:

1. Start pindurti.exe. You will see any empty, fully cyan window. The four quarters of the window represent four slots where individual calculators can be run.

2. Drag-and-drop a ROM image to one of the quarters, preferably the top left. The quarter chosen will turn grey for the most part, and four icons will appear above the grey area.

3. Left click the grey part. This is the screen of the calculator, and the left click corresponds to the On key.

4. You can drag and drop other ROM images to the other slots. You can switch between the slots by right clicking them. (Left clicking also activates the slot, but it also causes the On key to be pressed.)

5. Files can be sent by dropping them to the appropriate slot. PTI uses silent linking, so the calculator must be on, somewhere in the TI-OS and not in receive mode in order for the transmission to succeed. You can also drop a group of files, they will be sent one after the other. Naturally, the file and the running ROM image must be for the same model, e.g. sending an 8xp file to a TI-82 won't work.

Pressing calculator keys

PTI always acts as if the layout was English, so if you use an alternative layout (e.g. AZERTY or Cyrillic), 'Q' still refers to the button next to the Tab key etc.

PC key Calculator key
left mouse button On
A..Z the button that yields the corresponding letter if alpha is on, see below
Space 0
arrows, 0..9, Enter, '.', ',', numpad +-/* the corresponding calculator key
[ (
] )
F1 Y=
F2 Window
F3 Zoom
F4 Trace
F5 Graph
Escape Mode
Left Shift 2nd
Left Control Alpha
Right Shift Clear
- (-) (between the decimal point and Enter)
= X,T,θ,n
Page Up Matrx (82/83) or Apps (83+)
Page Down Prgm
Insert Vars
Delete Del
Home Math
End Stat

Mapping of letter keys

A Math B Matrx C Prgm        
D x-1 E Sin F Cos G Tan H ^
I x2 J , K ( L ) M ÷
N Log O 7 P 8 Q 9 R ×
S Ln T 4 U 5 V 6 W -
X Sto→ Y 1 Z 2        

Other keys

Key Effect
Tab Start crude (9 fps) screenshot/Stop current screenshot
Alt Start fine (25 fps) screenshot/Stop current screenshot
F9 Reset calculator in active slot (simulates pulling batteries)
F10 Open debugger
F11 Enable/disable warp mode (fastest possible emulation) of active slot

Note that only crude screenshots are displayed properly everywhere. Fine screenshots are only shown at full speed by Firefox.

Additional functions

The icons above each calculator screen can be used for the following purposes by left clicking, from left to right:

1. Pause/unpause

2. Enable/disable warp mode

3. Plug into a link hub; plug in two calculators to open a communication line between them. Connecting more than two calculators is not supported by the TI-OS. However, the CLAP linking library allows mass linking.

4. Toggle inclusion in screenshotting. If no slot is selected, always the active one will be captured. This feature can be used to allow capturing a slot even if we activate another in the meantime (e.g. to save an animated cutscene while using another calculator) or to record multiplayer games.





External Resources

Latest build of PindurTI


PindurTI Idea box