83Plus:Basic:Tricks ExecAsm

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This is organized such that first comes the "name" of the routine, then the sequence of hexadecimal codes, and then (usually) comes the asm instructions that were used to get the sequence of hexadecimal codes, in case anyone wishes to attempt to edit anything in the routine. In order to use these, you can enter these as a string argument in Omnicalc's ExecAsm( function, or you can create a new program, put AsmPrgm (found in the Catalog) as the first instruction, type the hexadecimal code sequence, and then (VERY IMPORTANT) add C9 to the end of the hex code sequence. If you do this, you will have to do Asm(prgmYOURPRGM in order to run your program, replacing YOURPRGM with whatever you named the program in which you entered this sequence. You should also note that any routine ending with "BCALL _StoAns" will be saving something to the Ans variable.

FloppusMaximus wrote: Looks like the ExecAsm function *always* returns 1?! Probably the best thing to do in this case is change the StoAns to a StoX (EFBF4A → EFD14A) and read the result from X rather than Ans.If you really wanted to use Ans, you could also just reset the numOP1 flag yourself (FDCB0786).
The code to reset the numOP1 flag should be put at the end of the sequence when using Omnicalc, if you still wish to use Ans. These changes can be ignored if putting the hexcode sequences in a separate program.
You should ensure that you type in these hexcode sequences as ACCURATELY as possible as the alteration of a SINGLE character CAN and most likely WILL cause the calculator to CRASH. Use these at your own risk.



Shift screen right (no LCD update)
To update the LCD, add EF6A48 at the end (before adding C9 if in a prgm)
 21 40 93 -  	ld hl,gbuf
 0E 40 -  -  	ld c,64
 -  -  -  -  loop:
 06 0C -  -  	ld b,12
 B7 -  -  -  	or a
 -  -  -  -  smalloop:
 CB 1E -  -  	rr (hl)
 23 -  -  -  	inc hl
 10 FB -  -  	djnz smalloop
 0D -  -  -  	dec c
 20 F5 -  -  	jr nz,loop
-Jim e
Shift screen left (no LCD update)
To update the LCD, add EF6A48 at the end (before adding C9 if in a prgm)
 21 3F 96 -  	ld hl,gbuf+767
 0E 40 -  -  	ld c,64
 -  -  -  -  loop2:
 06 0C -  -  	ld b,12
 B7 -  -  -  	or a
 -  -  -  -  smalloop2:
 CB 16 -  -  	rl (hl)
 2B -  -  -  	dec hl
 10 FB -  -  	djnz smalloop2
 0D -  -  -  	dec c
 20 F5 -  -  	jr nz,loop2
 -Jim e
Shift screen up one line (no LCD update)
To update the LCD, add EF6A48 at the end (before adding C9 if in a prgm)
ld hl,plotSScreen+12  ; 214C93
ld de,plotSScreen     ; 114093
ld bc,756             ; 01F402
ldir                  ; EDB0
ex de,hl              ; EB
ld bc,12              ; 010C00
BCALL _MemClear       ; EF304C
Shift screen down one line (no LCD update)
To update the LCD, add EF6A48 at the end (before adding C9 if in a prgm)
ld hl,plotSScreen+767-12  ; 213396
ld de,plotSScreen+767     ; 113F96
ld bc,756                 ; 01F402
lddr                      ; EDB8
inc hl                    ; 23
ld bc,12                  ; 010C00
BCALL _MemClear           ; EF304C


Increase the Contrast
ld hl,contrast ; 21478477C6D8CD0B00D310
ld a,(hl)      ; 7E
add a,4        ; C604 (or whatever)
cp 28h         ; FE28
ret nc         ; D0
ld (hl),a      ; 77
add a,D8h      ; C6D8
call 0bh       ; CD0B00
out (10h),a    ; D310
Decrease the Contrast
ld hl,contrast ; 214784
ld a,(hl)      ; 7E
sub 4          ; D604 (or whatever)
ret c          ; D8
ld (hl),a      ; 77
add a,D8h      ; C6D8
call 0bh       ; CD0B00
out (10h),a    ; D310
Set X to temporary contrast (0 <=X <= 63)
BCALL _RclX    ; EFE04A
add a,C0h      ; C6C0
call 0bh       ; CD0B00
out (10h),a    ; D310


Black graph (no LCD update)
To update the LCD, add EF6A48 at the end (before adding C9 if in a prgm)
 ld hl,plotsscreen ;214093
 ld bc,768         ;010003
 ld a,$FF          ;3EFF
 bcall(_memset)    ;EF334C
Clear Graph (no LCD update)
To update the LCD, add EF6A48 at the end (before adding C9 if in a prgm)
B_CALL _GrBufClr ; EFD04B
Invert HomeScreen
set textInverse,(iy+textFlags)  ; FDCB05DE
B_CALL _RstrShadow              ; EF7945
res textInverse,(iy+textFlags)  ; FDCB059E 
Invert graph (no LCD update)
To update the LCD, add EF6A48 at the end (before adding C9 if in a prgm)
 ld hl,plotsscreen ;214093
 ld bc,768         ;010003
 ld a,(hl)         ;7E
 cpl               ;2F
 ld (hl),a         ;77
 inc hl            ;23
 dec bc            ;0B
 ld a,b            ;78
 or c              ;B1
 jr nz,$-7         ;20F7
Invert Screen (Any)
Note: This should be one LONG sequence. The line-break is inserted for readability only.
     DI                               ;F3
     LD A, $20                        ;3E20
     CALL $B                          ;CD0B00
     OUT ($10), A                     ;D310
     LD A, $80                        ;3E80
     CALL $B                          ;CD0B00
     OUT ($10), A                     ;D310
     LD B, 14                         ;060E
     PUSH BC                          ;C5
     LD B, 63                         ;063F
     LD L, $7F                        ;2E7F
     CALL $B                          ;CD0B00
     IN A, ($11)     ;dummy read       DB11
     INC L           ;row counter      2C
     CALL $B                          ;CD0B00
     IN A, ($11)                      ;DB11
     CPL                              ;2F
     PUSH AF                          ;F5
     LD A, L         ;reset the row    7D
     CALL $B                          ;CD0B00
     OUT ($11), A                     ;D311
     CALL $B                          ;CD0B00
     IN A, ($11)     ;dummy read...    DB11
     POP AF                           ;F1
     CALL $B                          ;CD0B00
     OUT ($11), A                     ;D311
     DJNZ loop1                       ;10E5
     POP BC                           ;C1
     DJNZ loop                        ;10D8


Enabling Fast Circles
set useFastCirc, (iy+plotFlag3) FD CB 3C E6
-Michael Cimino
Toggle the Screen On and Off
 in a,(10h)     ; DB10
 bit 5,a        ; CB6F
 jr nz,turnoff  ; 2005
 ld a,3         ; 3E03
 out (10h),a    ; D310
 ret            ; C9
 ld a,2         ; 3E02
 out (10h),a    ; D310



Enable Alpha Lock
set shiftAlpha,(iy+shiftFlags) ; FDCB12E6
set shiftALock,(iy+shiftFlags) ; FDCB12F6
Toggling Lowercase
ld hl,flags+appLwrCaseFlag ; 21148A
ld a,8                     ; 3E08
xor (hl)                   ; AE
ld (hl),a                  ; 77
Remove "Done"
res donePrgm,(iy+doneFlags) ; FDCB00AE


Automatic Power Down (APD)
ld hl,0101h                  ; 210101
ld (apdSubTimer),hl          ; 224884
set apdRunning,(iy+apdFlags) ; FDCB08DE
ei                           ; FB
halt                         ; 76
Turn Off the Calc
ld a,1                        ; 3E01
out (3),a                     ; D303
halt                          ; 76
res onInterrupt,(iy+onFlags)  ; FDCB09A6


Battery state (0 = good, 1 = bad)
  BCALL _OP1Set0      ; EFBF41
  BCALL _Chk_Batt_Low ; EFB350
  jr z,good           ; 2803
  BCALL _OP1Set1      ; EF9B41
  BCALL _StoAns       ; EFBF4A
Get Amount of Free Ram
BCALL _MemChk     ; EFE542
BCALL _OP2ToOP1   ; EF5641
BCALL _StoAns     ; EFBF4A
OS Version
BCALL _GetBaseVer ; EF6F4C
push af           ; F5
ld a,b            ; 78
BCALL _SetXXOP1   ; EF8C47
BCALL _DecO1Exp   ; EF6742
BCALL _DecO1Exp   ; EF6742
pop af            ; F1
BCALL _SetXXOP2   ; EF8F47
rst 30h           ; F7
BCALL _StoAns     ; EFBF4A
Hardware Version
BCALL _StoAns    ; EFBF4A
 B_CALL _RunIndicOff ; EF7045
 ei                  ; FB
 halt                ; 76
 B_CALL _GetK        ; EF4447
 or a                ; B7
 jr z,again          ; 28F8
 B_CALL _OP2ToOP1    ; EF5641
 B_CALL _StoX        ; EFD14A
Amount of Free ROM → X
This routines is still being discussed in the Detached Solutions forum. The final version will be posted here as soon as all parties have come to an agreement.